Craft 2 Career Club
. . . without feeling stuck or wondering what to do!
If you’re a Quilterpreneur and Alumni of one of my courses, looking to grow your business, keep forward motion, and take the guess work out of what to do next, than you already know that….
Craft 2 Career Club is for you!
Remember when you took either the Quilt Pattern Writing Course or the Craft to Career Course? You had consistent content that moved you forward. You were making connections. You were on fire and seeing forward progress!
You've come so far and you don't want to stop now. But sometimes it can feel overwhelming knowing what to focus on. What things make a difference? How can you keep that momentum?

Focus on ONE THING each month
so you can…
See tangible growth.
Look at some KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for your business while in the club and watch them grow. -
Know what to do each month.
Stop wasting time trying to do all the things, and then burning out and doing nothing. I will show you what to focus on each month in your business. -
Make connections in the industry.
Join other go-getters in the quilting industry. Be a part of a peer-led small group, collaborate, and make friendships. -
Have accountability.
With this club, people know and care that you achieve your goals. See the progress of the group and each individual. Cheer each other on and celebrate successes. -
Have forward, steady progress.
It's the small steps, consistently over time, that make a difference. Learn what to do and how to do it so you keep moving your business forward.
ALUMNI ONLY: Join Craft 2 Career Club
Doors open twice a year. Once in January, once in June.
1. You are an Alumni of either the Craft to Career Course or the Quilt Pattern Writing Course. This way I don't need to reteach anything, and we all start with a base foundation.
2. You have a website.
3. You have an email host (FloDesk, Mailchimp, etc.) It doesn't matter the size of your email list, just that you have a a host set up and working.
4. You have launched and sold (or tried to sell) at least one item so far.
What’s Inside the Craft 2 Career Club
Monthly Guided Lessons / Focus
Each month I will teach you how to do ONE thing. I will have a video lesson and any other needed guides and PDFs showing you exactly how to do one thing that month to grow your business.
Topics Include:
- Yearly Planning
- Email Opt-In
- Email Welcome Sequence
- Batch and create 1 month's content for social media.
- Plan and create weekly / bi-weekly emails.
Module Lead (a few lines of body copy): Elaboration of promise and why that outcome matters, mentioning how this outcome compounds on top of the outcome of the previous module/component and/or the antithesis of that outcome / where they’ll struggle if they don’t take action.
Module Highlights:
Curiosity-driven fascinations breaking down the process of how they’ll achieve the promise of the module.
- Bullet 2
- Bullet 3
- Bullet 4
Here’s What You Get When You Join
Craft 2 Career Course
- Monthly guided lesson
- End of the month Q&A about that month's guided lesson. Ask your questions on what you did that month. Get answers and guidance as you grow.
- Join a peer led small group. Groups meet once a month and help hold each other accountable.
- Each month, everyone who finishes the month's goals is entered for a 20 minute business coaching call. The call will be on what you did that month, and will be recorded and shared with the club. It's a win:win for everyone!
- Get guides and PDFs to help you with what we are doing each month.

If the Craft 2 Career Club isn't the right fit for you, you can cancel any time. There are no contracts and you can cancel at any time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions our top members asked before enrolling in Craft 2 Career Club.
What if I don't have ALL of the qualifications?
Is this money well spent?
What will we work on each month?
Is there one on one coaching?
What happens with the peer led small groups?
If I join later, do I get access to earlier content?
Can you remind me of everything Iām getting when I sign up today?
Join the Craft 2 Career Club
I can’t wait to work with you in the Craft 2 Career Club!
Hey there, Alumni!
I have listened to you, and I hear your questions: "There's so much I need to do, I can't do it all." "I miss the lessons and accountability." "What exactly do I do next?"
After years of teaching students and loving it, I knew there needed to be a next step. You've learned so much, you have momentum, but you want a bit more guidance.
I am thrilled to bring you the Craft 2 Career club, with guided monthly lessons. You can ask your questions and know what to focus on. Not to mention the friends and accountability.
Success is waiting for you! You are in the right place and I am honored to continue to work with you.
Elizabeth Chappell | Quilters Candy